Interview with Maria Gonçalves
‘Interview with Maria Goncalves from Canada about Kerry’s two books, A Mother’s Journey- A story of everlasting life and evidence of life after death and Demystifying Mediumship- What makes a medium?
The Connected Spirit Podcast
Podcast interview with Courtney Dawson, medium and presenter of ’The Connected Spirit Podcast’. Kerry discusses the discovery of her mediumistic abilities and her latest books.
The Modern Crone Podcast
I hope you enjoy my recent podcast interview with Dani Van de Velde about the Afterlife. It’s a subject that is too often not discussed, and yet, it is the next step for us all.
Mediumship Matters Podcast
Kerry speaks with UK medium and podcaster, Hannah Macintyre, about how she discovered her own mediumistic abilities, and why she wrote her two books.
Something Super Spiritual Podcast
Kerry speaks to USA medium, Jeffrey Peck, about the tragedy of losing her nineteen year old son, Sam, in a car accident in 2012 and how she subsequently discovered her own mediumistic abilities.
27 degrees SAG- The Galactic Center Podcast
Many thanks to Kimla Lowe in Florida, USA for having me on her podcast, 27 degrees SAG- The Galactic Center to talk about my pathway to mediumship and why I wrote my two books, A Mother’s Journey- A story of everlasting love and evidence of life after death and Demystifying Mediumship- What makes a medium?
Love, Light, Inspire Podcast
I very much enjoyed speaking with Lorene Roberts on her podcast Love, Light, Inspire about a very difficult subject that not enough is said about, losing a child. I hope that my words will help many and provide hope for the future.
Helping Parents Heal
Helping Parents Heal international have recognised A Mother’s Journey and Demystifying Mediumship as being beneficial reading to anyone who has lost a loved one.
Interview with Debra Chalmers
Interview with the well known and highly respected spiritual medium, Debra Chalmers, from the United Kingdom about why I wrote my two books.
‘Take 5’ magazine article about Demystifying Mediumship
‘Take 5’ magazine article about Kerry’s new book, ‘Demystifying Mediumship: what makes a medium?’ in the March 10, 2022 issue. Signed copies are available now at
Speaking at Helping Parents Heal
It was my absolute pleasure to be invited by the book club members of Helping Parents Heal in the United Kingdom to talk about my books.
New Release: Demystifying Mediumship; what makes a medium?
Demystifying Mediumship; what makes a medium? will be released in Australia and Internationally on the 1st of November 2021. In 2012, Kerry Alderuccio lost her 19-year-old son, Sam, in a tragic car accident. Kerry’s understanding of death … Continued
Lifting the veil to the Afterlife TV Series
Lifting the veil to the Afterlife” is an online live streamed TV series running for 12 weeks on the Awake TV Network based in the USA. Each week Kerry will talk about a variety of different … Continued
Lifting the veil to the Afterlife seminar
A wonderful turn out at my latest “Lifting the veil to the Afterlife” seminar at the Melbourne Mind Body and Spirit Festival” on Saturday, November 23, 2019.
Messages from the Other Side Interview with Kerry Alderuccio
Enjoy listening to the podcast interview with Kerry and Simone Salmon from New York. Simone is an author and psychic medium and does regular interviews world wide on her podcast program, “Messages from the other side”.
Guest Speaking at the Mind Body Spirit Festival 2019
I’m looking forward very much to presenting two seminars at this year’s Sydney Mind Body and Spirit Festival at Darling Harbour on October 17th and 20th at 3.00pm.
Presenting at the Mind Body Spirit Festival
Lifting the veil to the afterlife with Kerry Alderuccio at the seminar room. ✨
Book Signing at Tea Empress
Looking forward very much to my book signing and chat over bubbles and cheeses tomorrow night, June 6th from 6.00 to 8.00pm at The Tea Empress, 212 St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North.
Looking forward to presenting at two upcoming workshops.
Looking forward to presenting two workshops about “Lifting the veil to the Afterlife” at this years Melbourne Mind, Body and Spirit Festival on Friday, June 7th at 3.00pm and also on Saturday, June 8th at 4.00pm upstairs in the seminar room.
Guest Speaking at Kinesiologist, Amanda Adey’s Metal Workshop.
Such a fabulous day at Angel Yoga in Mt Martha, where I was the guest speaker at Kinesiologist, Amanda Adey’s Metal Elements workshop.
Welcome to my new studio…
Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of my new reading room, where you can select to have a Mediumship or Tarot reading, or a combination of the two.
Upcoming Metal Element Workshop is Full Booked
Upcoming Metal Element Workshop with Kinesiologist, Amanda Adey and Medium, Kerry Alderuccio is fully booked.
Our story is featured in the Shepparton News
After sharing my story at the first Goulburn Valley Writers’ Group Inc. meeting for 2019, the Shepparton News has release an article featuring my story “Searching for Answers”.
Our story is featured on 9Honey.
A wonderful article in the 9Honey online magazine yesterday about our story and my book, I hope you enjoy it.
Goulburn Valley Writers’ Group Inc.
Sergio and I had the lovely opportunity to attend the first Goulburn Valley Writers’ Group Inc. meeting for 2019 where I was able to share and talk about ‘A Mothers Journey-A story of everlasting love and evidence of life after death’.
A Mother’s Journey is featured in Mamamia Magazine.
I’m absolutely thrilled to have Mamamia magazine do a mini feature about my book, “A Mother’s Journey- A story of everlasting love and evidence of life after death” in December.
Want to Learn About Working with Energy, Tarot Cards, Psychic Readings and Exploring Mediumship?
I am now running weekly Circle groups for anyone who would like to explore and learn about working with energy, learning to read Tarot and spiritual cards, psychic readings, exploring mediumship and so much more
Guest Speaker at the Ark “Conversations” Evening
I will be sharing our amazing story and answering questions at The Ark’s inaugural and upcoming “Conversations” evening.
Evidence of Life after Death Workshop
I will be presenting a workshop on ‘Evidence of life after death’, on Friday, November 16th, 2018, from 11.30am till 12.30pm at the Mind, Body and Spirit Festival.
An Amazing Pre-release for “A Mother’s Journey”
Family, friends and I have been absolutely blown away by the pre-release sales of “A Mother’s Journey – A story of everlasting love and evidence of life after death” and even more so for the amazing responses and testimonials from readers.