My Perfect Day xx
Having lost my Dad to dementia related illness a few years ago, at the time it was a relief for us all….a blessing if you will…. and we were ok…
A “need” for some closure, clarification, not exactly sure arose….. Kerry and her beautiful gift was exactly what I “needed”!!Sitting across the table from Kerry, experiencing the joy and knowledge of my Dad’s contentment now, back to full health, being reunited with his Mum…… the accuracy, emotion and genuineness of Kerry and this amazing mediumship reading truly made my day and gave me a strong sense of peace and I now KNOW that I am veeeeery loved from the other side xxxx
Just a special example from my reading I have to share…
Kerry could see my Dad with his dog…. Large dog… Pointed face…short strong name…. Together in the car…. Movies??Dad always told us about his veeeeery favourite dog… His beautiful German Shepherd – Flash…. And how the always went to the drive-in together….. And when Dad started dating Mum and they would go to the drive-in…..Flash would jump into the front seat and sit himself between them xxxx
This experience will be in my heart for always xxxx
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Love from Kerri L

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Testimonial from Kerri L
My Perfect Day xx Having lost my Dad to dementia related illness a few years ago, at the time it was a relief for us all….a blessing if you will…. and we were ok…A “need” for … Continued